Sunday, January 13, 2013

GenX, Senior Citizens, and Social Security

***This is meant to be funny***
Everyone who reads this should re-post, Reddit, twitter, and anything else to spread the word.

I think I solved the problem of aging, retiring, baby boomers...
We need to get a lawyer to figure out what safe white collar crime they can commit to stick them in prisons.
Old people who can't afford to live in a nursing home or retire comfortably can take advantage of the prison systems.  By committing a non-violent white collar crime they can stay in the comfy white collar prisons.  House our seniors to lessen the burden on tax payers that will have to carry them on our backs with 1/2 the number of people to do it.  They have not planned ahead and helped put us further in the hole. 
By committing a crime they can live safely in a controlled environment, get 3 meals a day, be around their peers.  They will have free dental, medical, education, and of course very good security.  Your family will always know where you are and can visit anytime. 
Maybe they can remove the non-violent younger prisoners to nursing homes to make room for the influx of new 'aging' prisoners. 

They're not going anywhere so being locked up is not so bad.  They will also get free cable, haircuts, and all utilities covered.  They will have no monthly bills and their social security checks can go back into the system to cover their expenses. 
So if your old and have little to no money get out there and commit a simple non-violent crime.  Free place to live, friends all around, free food, free medical???? Sounds like the best retirement home around who's in???

bscottkelley can be found on most sites including facebook and instagram.

Spread the word and carry on!!


Toyota Prius drivers please slow down

Why does everyone that owns a Prius feel the need to drive extra fast?  Are they trying to prove that their little 4 cylinder cars are fast and cool?  They're not getting gas mileage with this behavior.  I live in SoCal and seriously, just about everyone has a Prius.  It's like 1995 when everyone had to have an SUV only now it's better for the environment.  Speaking of which, what's up with Bangkok???  The air is like the USA back during the Industrial Revolution...shouldn't they learn from our mistakes?
Anyway - Prius owners - cool your jets or your jet engines.  You're in a hurry to go nowhere and living in SoCal you are going to hit traffic so don't rush to become traffic.  You are putting everyone at risk!!

bscottkelley can be found on most sites including instagram, strava, facebook, and snapchat