Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I read an article today about a guy I worked with years ago.  I actually lived with him along with 2 other buddies - kinda like a frat house without all the rules and nonsense.  4 guys early into a professional career living together and working together.  It was great; we'd have lunch together occasionally, we end up in some of the same meetings, and most nights we'd be out having dinner and a few beers together.  Well like all good things, it had to come to an end.  1 got married and moved in with her and the rest of us just got on with our own lives.  Eventually, we all moved onto other companies with the exception of one of them.  We would keep in touch during holidays and through phone calls.  Talking about camping trips and drinking beers and who made out with the ugly chick.

Well 10+ years later I am reading through a FB posting of another person about an article in the local paper.  2 of us had already moved out of state so the last thing we were ready was local news from this tiny little town.  Curiosity called and I clicked on the link......................................
I immediately had to stop everything I was doing and sit down.  My wife was yelling for me to do something but I had no idea what it was.  For a moment of time my world was frozen. 
One of the nicest and most honest guys had plead guilty to federal mail fraud and tax evasion.  Hundreds of thousands of dollars in total were part of this scheme.  Possibly 20 years in be sentenced at a later date.
I guess you never actually know someone or their character or maybe I am just to easily fooled.  I never pass judgement and believe that all people are inherently good but I am starting to doubt myself.
I am by no means perfect and could use a little adjusting but this is a total miss for me.  I would never guess in a million years that the guy I knew could do something like this.
So Cubicles......
Did the air in the office that is pumped in and filters cause his brain to change?  Did the chemicals used to clean the carpets do it?  Maybe having to eat the same exact cafe food do it?  Could it be having to change his password every 90 days and it can't be anything like any of the previous ones do it?  Could it be the swiping of his badge to get in the building trigger a mental block?  Could it be the signing another review that was cut/pasted again telling him he needs to work on the same exact things as everyone else?  Could it be the white lights or the ergo chair or the dual monitors or the mouse or the dirty mouse pad or the free coffee?  Did he tie a half windsor one too many times?
What would make someone do this?
Greed? Desperation?  No fear of being caught?  No fear of jail or losing family?
I will be chewing on this for a bit. 

bscottkelley can be found on most web sites including, FB, Instagram, gmail, and everywhere inbetween.
Spread the word and carry on!
E. Abbey

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