What does cancer have against us people? Why are we are still hearing stories about losing another close friend or family member to cancer? It seems that life is going great and then all of a sudden.....................BAM!...............someone else has cancer.
Seriously, are we waiting to kill off the Greatest Generation with cancer because keeping them around would prove to be too costly for our country? Are we going to miraculously have a cure AFTER the baby boomers are gone? Being a Generation Xer....I'm ok with that but in the meantime we are going to lose some pretty great people. Even though we don't appreciate our elders we do still enjoy having them around. Spend some time with an old person and you'll be glad you did, they know a lot about everything. Matter a fact they know more than all of my know-it-all friends combined.
Who is winning the cancer battle? Some do and will continue to.....like Lance Armstrong the the Army of LiveStrong.org folks. The yellow bands may not be in style but I still where one because the last time I checked.....we still have cancer kicking around.
Have you seen the salaries of the American Cancer Society? It's good work and the pay is not bad either. With cancer gone, jobs in this field would take a hit big time. Also...the number of non profits supporting this cause doesn't fit on the first page of a google search. There are a lot of groups out there, supporting individuals, families, and everyone else affected by this sucky cancer stuff that could simply change their focus. We'll give them all a copy of Who Moved My Cheese? and they'll be helping children with autism.
There are also lots of types of cancer. You name the body part and you've got a great matching cancer to go along with it. Like peanut butter and jelly or rice and beans or bagels and cream cheese or breathing and water we get throat and cancer or brain and cancer or lung and cancer...you get the point.
We can fly to the moon, we can put a plastic knee in person, and we can switch out a person's heart for a new one but we can't beat cancer. We are losing to cancer and it's not fair. Cancer is winning and that's not to say I'm giving up but come on......we need a breakthrough. I'm ok with baby boomers breaking the bank by draining social security and bankrupting our country and exhausting our medical services if we can just get cancer under control. I hope there isn't a person out there in the world who would not give up everything in their bank account to find a cure.
Is the cure out there sitting in a lab? Are 'they' waiting just a little longer to have less folks here in the US? I'm sitting in the USofA so my thoughts are US based. My wife is from a country in South American so her country is also in my thoughts. I'm sick of it...I'm sick of cancer!!
In 2008, I spent a month with my Mom as she finished her last days on Earth. It was cancer, her second go around with it that finally took her down. When I first arrived at my parents house she was aware and in somewhat good spirits considering she had cancer. I took notes, pictures and the memories of being there 24/7. I am so grateful to have had 30+ years as her son and 30+ days at the end. She passed without pain at the Auburn Hospice in 2008 and I played golf the next day. After 9/11 happened in the morning I decided that I'd better get a quick 18 in case it was all going down but I digress. Being around cancer is painful and I'm not the one with it. It's painful to know that you are helpless and you'd give anything to help that person.
We all have to go sometime but does every person have to die of cancer? What happened to dying of old age? Everyone dies of cancer it seems and it's becoming the norm. I'm over it, cancer really needs to be old news and soon. Can't we go back to dying of old age or in a fiery crash at a tragically young age? Frostbite? Natural causes?
cancer sucks and I hate you cancer seriously!
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