When you look at this dog as I have for the better part of 7 years, you realize she can do no wrong. She is adored by so many people and has touched the lives of more. Her videos are a hit and her pictures can be found on foreign web sites. She has a big dog personality that is easy to love. She gets along with all types of dogs. She never barks at other dogs unless it's to say hello. She never starts trouble with other dogs unless it's to protect her owner. She doesn't pee in the house and never has to ask to go out. She loves the beach, the sun, and going for long hikes. She doesn't do well in snow but lucky for her it doesn't happen that often. She can sit her in dog bag in a good restaurants in LA. She won't say a word, she won't move because she is comfortable and knows she is getting a treat for being a good girl. At the beach and at the airport, children flock to her. The are mesmerized by her big dog attitude in such a small package. Everyone wants to pet her and everyone wants to know her name and bred. That being said, she does sometimes pull stunts that I don't approve of. She normally can be off the leash even with other dogs around but on occasion takes off. She never leaves my site but refuses to back to my side....unless I squat down and point to the ground in front of me. She'll then crawl back knowing she pushed it. She's got a pretty good life. She eats Nature's Balance mixed with a little juice from dinner. She gets a couple of licks of whatever the dessert is. Can this dog really do any harm? If you call being a heartbreaker then yes. She's only had one real boyfriend named Joey. They met at dog beach in HB and the few times they saw each other they played and played. When we say Joey's name now she remembers. Thank you for being such a good girl my love.